Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Baby Llama Drama

Just another blurp... in case you're interested...

So after a very insightful comment from an awesome mother (you know who you are), I was inpsired to start a "Home Management Binder".  I think you can read about it under my last post.  I started the same day I recieved the comment, I googled it and I am working on creating a home management plan to fit my life and my time.  If you haven't started one, I would give it a look on the internet.  It seems to be a useful tool for Moms who get overloaded with every day life.  It is taking some compiling and time to put together, but it allows me to have a "one stop shop" for pretty much all of my projects, cleaning lists (so I can make sure my floors get scrubbed more than once a month), finances, medical information, childcare, schedules for work and daycare, meal plans, etc.  When I'm done getting it to how I want it to be, I think it'll really help me sort out my week/day!  :)  Thanks for the wonderful, insightful idea!

Other than that, we're still waiting.  I've got one week and four days until my due date and today I go into the clinic for yet another OB appointment.  I'm going to have them check for progress as over the weekend I endured three days of strong braxton hicks contractions and I was nauseous (pretty much the whole 9 yards).  I was dilated to two, two weeks ago, and 50% effaced, so I am hoping for a progress report that shows... well.. progress.  Baby must have moved down, as I can finally breath and eat and not feel like a stuffed hippo after a few bites who can't walk down the street without loosing her breath.  Yes, this pregnancy has been much more challenging than the first.  It's just making me all the more ready to go, and estatic to finally hold my little pumpkin.  I am just hoping it all goes down sooner than later.

I'm also bringing Bella in today.  I got a notice telling me she was up for her second Hep A shot.... I was told she was done having shots until 5... I guess I'll have some question asking to do when I get to the clinic this morning.  But I am concerned about her.  She is getting increasingly more difficult to deal with.  She wakes up in the morning and from her naps screaming, randomly screams throughout her meals (with tears and all), screams through her bedtime (it hasn't been a peaceful sleep around here for awhile), and her naps are pitiful, she won't eat a whole lot, and is refusing even her beloved peaches and pears.  She's just not been very Bella like, and I am becoming more and more stressed trying to figure out what's going on.  I'm hoping it's teeth and nothing seroius, but non the less, she's going in with me today to see if there is anything major going on BEFORE baby arrives.  I can't imagine having a newborn baby and screaming toddler that cries just as much as newborn.  Keep her in your prayers, I just have a gut feeling that she isn't feeling the greatest and something is up, whether it be molars or an ear infection (hopefully nothing more serious).

....  That's about it folks.  I'll keep you posted and tell you what the doc says, maybe he'll tell me I'm 5cm and ready to get induced.  Haha... I wish.  I have been praying and praying and praying and I have found one cannot "will" themselves into labor, as much as I'd like to think that I can...

Wish me luck, and keep that in your prayers too, that just possibly, maybe they're off on my due date by about 10 days... hehe... :)  I'M READY!


Anonymous said...

Still dilated to 2 cm, 75% effaced... not tons of progress, but some.

Bella is teething, he gums are swollen AND she has a viral infection... :( So tylenol and ibrophen and lots of fluids and hopefully a happier baby in a week or less! :) That's all folks!

I'm Hannah said...

oh sad for bella! yay for progress...and JEALOUS about your binder...tell me more :)