Past 5:30PM, Bella gets grumpy and so do I as my patience and energy start to dwindle. On a normal day, Dad is home to take over and saves the day as he spends the majority of his evening playing with Bella, which I'm so very thankful for. With Tim out on the east coast aiding the relief effort, I am home wishing the relief effort was aiding me. Tired of having PB & J's, I decide to cook stir fry and rice with fruit (have to have something Bella will eat included in the meal). To my surprise she takes a few bites of rice, but then turns back to her normal ways and throws the rest on the floor and at the wall. I grumble thinking, "I cook good meals, and she doesn't know how good she has it. There are starving people in China that would kill for what she's depositing on my wood floors!" Haven't we all heard that one before? I never thought it would come from me.
7PM hits, I'm grumpier than grumpy and Bella is making my hair curl and my nerves twinge. "Bella, go grab your shoes and your Blankie, we're going outside!" I say reaching my limit. If I could walk for a half hour, then when we get home that leaves a half hour of play and then bedtime for her and me shortly there after. Sounds good, right? She finds her shoes and her blankie and brings them to me; she's set and ready to go, thankful to get out of the house. She's been increasingly more grumpy with her side kick, Daddio gone and my heart hurts thinking of how she feels. With that thought in mind, I decide to find my phone. Yes, find my phone... Where is my phone?
I turn to the most guilty party in the house, Bella. If things have gone missing, it's generally because miss sticky fingers has discovered it and carts it along with her until she finds something more interesting to play with. "Bella, where's Mommy's phone? Will you bring Mommy her phone?" I ask her. She knows what I'm talking about and starts running around and eventually finds my shoes and starts following me around with them as I search for my phone. Nearly 10 minutes go by, I'm furious and she's grumpy; she wants to go outside! "Bella, where is Mommy's phone?" She, again, runs off in a different direction. I'm so very frustrated. She brings me back her orange play phone, and I can't help but smile. "Yes, good job. That's a phone, just not the right one." If Daddy calls while we're out, and I miss it, I'm gonna be upset.

I give up on my search and resort to going out for our walk without it, knowing that when I come back I will track someone down on facebook that can call me and help me look for my stupid phone. We get a couple hundred feet from the house and my phone starts ringing! I'll be darned... my chest starts vibrating and I jump. I quickly pull the phone from my bra, and answer it. It dawns on me then, that I put it there when Bella wanted to play with it earlier, in an attempt to hide it from her all-seeing eyes! After I get off the phone I give her lovies and apologize for blaming her. I felt bad for pinning her to the crime... instead I blame this one on pregnancy. I joke constantly, saying that when I had Bella, half of my brain cells went to her, and that now, being pregnant again, this baby is working on the other half. Anyone that has been pregnant before, knows how this feel. You feel less intelligent, less with it, and just incredibly stupid and forgetful. If you've only had one baby, try having two... it only gets worse. :)
So if you're a Mommy or a Mommy-to-Be and an airhead as a result, I post this for you, so that maybe you'll feel a little bit better about your general lack of brain power. After all, it happens to all of us preggo people!
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