Sunday, November 06, 2011

God Bless the Baby that Sleeps in You - 40 Days of Life

It is in memory of the innocent who have died in the most epic, and by far the most gruesome battle of all ages, that I write this.  None of us are fond wars or the killing of innocent beings, even worse is the killing of innocent babies.  The worst part is that this war is waging in our very own land, the land of the free.  But really, how can we call it the land of the free where we pride ourselves of free choice, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness when these values are not given to all individuals equally.  What separates an individual from these basic rights we feel so entitled to.  Does race separate us, or gender, or sexual preference?  How about age?  Some would say that we don't discriminate at all, that we are all truly equal.  I beg to differ.

A life is a life, regardless of what people say, or the way the try to put it.  Nothing can justify the taking of lives, of any age.  Pro choice and being a Christian is an oxymoron.  Like water and oil shaken in a bottle, as much as we try to get them to go together, they simply don't mix.  Have you read Psalm 139:13-16?  It states, "For you formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mother's womb. I praise you, so wonderfully you made me; wonderful are your works!  My very self you knew; my bones were not hidden from you.  When I was being made in secret, fashioned as in the depths of the earth.  Your eyes foresaw my actions; in your book all are written down; my days were shaped, before one came to be."

God knew us even before we were born.  The days of our existence were written in the book of life in heaven.  He had a purpose for us, a plan, and he knew it before we even knew the existence of life that was growing within us.  In fact, he is the one who intricately made us, formed us and made sure we were just as perfect as could be.  He gave us mothers the gift of feeling this life within us, to feel that God given connection.  And while this creation of love formed within us he worked on our hearts and expanded the amount of love we possess so that it could envelop this new precious child within us.

But when we take our lives into our own hands and tell God that we don't want to follow his plans and we are unaccepting of these blessings and miracles of life, we choose to end it.  We choose inequality, we choose death, we choose murder.  Cutting off the connection of God in our lives entirely.  These babies are precious, they are our future and we are destroying our future.  We pray for cures for cancer, AIDS, MS and so many other illnesses and when we don't receive it we cry out in anger and curse God for not bringing us an end to it all.  It is entirely possible that we were given an answer to our prayers, a special being God had formed within one of us, and chose to end that life before that life could even take their first breath.  There is nothing that could justify this war, to make it right.  Abortion is murder, and this war is the most disturbing to hit the world.

I encourage all pro life believers to pray for these unborn children of God, and pray for them every day, especially today on the very last day of the 40 days of life.  If you are a person of pro choice, I challenge you to look into your hearts and search for the truth, especially if you are a Christian.  Ask God for guidance on the matter, so that you too may believe in the value of a life, unborn or not.  Our future, our babies and life depend on it.

If you are pregnant and are feeling lost and buried by the circumstance, I encourage you to look into the Pro Choice Clinic.

"God bless the babies that sleep in you." ~Mason Jennings

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