It was beautiful, they poured the warm blessed water over my sons head and said the beloved words, "I baptise you in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit." And just like that, he has become part of the church, washed from original sin, and without even knowing it, has taken his first steps in follow the faith that we will try so hard to bring him up in.
Despite the cold weather, a grumpy sibling of his and my camera dying, it was perfect, you couldn't dampen the day. And Landon did his best to let the world know he was around and that this was all about him. He carried on and cried and with his uncanny habit of vomiting at the worst of times, when Father Jerry asked to lay the child so his head was over the pool of water, we all held our breaths and thankfully, he held in his last meal.
I didn't take the role lightly, as a mother, of making sure that Landon and Bella had good Godparents. We chose Aunt Lisa and Uncle Phil as Bella's Godparents and Aunt Carina and Aunt Jen as Landon's. My Godmother has played a huge role in the growth of my faith as a Christian and so has my Confirmation sponsor. In fact, my Godmother is my sister Pam, and her husband may as well be my Godfather, because he too plays a huge role in my spiritual life. The two of them together encourage me to be a better person, think critically about myself and my choices in life, and make me strive to be a better Catholic. I always enjoy going for a visit to their house, as I always leave feeling humbled and deeper of faith.
My Confirmation sponsor is also a sibling of mine, and that would be my youngest sister Lisa. She has also played a huge role in my life as a Catholic. She is a one of a kind woman, as she is deep in her faith and is very humble. She carries all of the qualities that we, as Christians and Catholics, are called to carry within us. In fact, that is something that both of these sisters have, and I think that is why I am so inclined to be around them. Lisa helped me through college, when things got really hairy, she was there. She always provides me with the best advice, often telling me what I need to hear, rather than what I want to and she does so with grace and kindness.
I have a long ways to go to live up to the type of women these two are, but having such role models gives me hope that some day I will be able to call myself a "true Christian". One that God can be proud of and that He can call His own. So, I did not take lightly the choice of Godparents for our children. I wanted them to have people in their lives that would take the role head on as did my sisters, and help guide them in a faith filled life. I want their faith to be rich and strong, so that when they get older and must face the world. That hopefully the temptations that dwell within this world won't be so much of an obstacle, because they too will have a good head on their shoulders and will do the right thing and make the right decisions in life. I am confident that their Godparents will be guiding lights for them, and that gives me peace.
Dragonfly Cupcakes that I made for Landon |
I slept well the night before, knowing that the next morning Landon would be baptised. I was uneasy that we were waiting as long as we were. I was excited that some of my family could make it to witness this beautiful event with us and that they were also able to join us for the great meal that my family had put together in celebration. Thank you everyone for joining in our joy and celebrating with us. As soon as I have pictures developed, I will be posting them.
Jen putting the food out for the Baptism celebration |
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